Horst Wegener
Encounters, Talks

- Born 17th of May 1997 in Quito, Ecuador
- Resident in Wuppertal
- November 2018: Founding of own film production firm “WUPPERwerft”
- December 2018: Debut EP “Mein Name ist Horst” via the Label “KunstWerkStadt” by Samy Deluxe
- December 2019: Founding of WUPPERwerft’s publisher edition at Sony ATV
- 2019 nominated as best Newcomer at POP:NRW and New Music Award by 1live
- Since August 2019: Curator for “Sound Of The City” Festival for Oper Wuppertal
- September 2019: Shortfilm directing debut “Schweigemahl”
- 2018 – 2020: 100+ Shows in Germany, Switzerland, Sudan and Uganda
Website & Social Media:
Letzte Musikveröffentlichung:
Letzte Filmveröffentlichung:
Letzte Musikvideo-Regie Veröffentlichung:
- 21.11.20: What are you doing here? We are building a house together
- 23.11.20: …we encountered ourselves on a walk, bumped into a spirit, who reminded us to start again…
- 24.11.20: …we encountered ourselves on a walk, bumped into a spirit, who reminded us to start again…
- 25.11.20: …we encountered ourselves on a walk, bumped into a spirit, who reminded us to start again…
- 26.11.20: …we encountered ourselves on a walk, bumped into a spirit, who reminded us to start again…
- 27.11.20: …we encountered ourselves on a walk, bumped into a spirit, who reminded us to start again…
- 27.11.20: Dancing with the Ghosts
- 28.11.20: …we encountered ourselves on a walk, bumped into a spirit, who reminded us to start again…