)) freies netz werk )) KULTUR e.V.
Archive of Dreams

)) freies netz werk )) KULTUR e.V. is an interdisciplinary alliance to support the strong and diverse cultural scene in Wuppertal and its surrounding region. It aims to develop the arts sector and foster exchange and dialogue between different partners. Founded as a joint platform in May 2017, it highlights the value of art and culture, advises on cultural policy and advocates for art & culture in the context of municipal planning decisions. The members of the network are ‘nomads’ who have been traversing cultural, political, scientific and corporate spaces for the last three and a half years, from City Hall to the Wuppertal Institute and companies such as Riedel Communications, Stadtsparkasse and Knipex, all in the name of making new connections. Most recently they produced a foldable map of the city entitled “Laboratory of the Future: Art & City. Experiment No. 1”, which showcases the potential and forward-looking plans of 13 cultural spaces and arts organisations.
www.fnwk.de, www.facebook.com/FreiesNetzWerkKultur