Cathy Levy

Executive Producer of Dance, NAC (National Arts Centre Canada)
Cathy Levy has devoted her professional working life to the performing arts, dedicating herself to the creation, development and presentation of artistic projects, most notably in the dance field. She joined Canada’s National Arts Centre in the fall of 2000, having acquired an enviable reputation throughout the Canadian and international dance communities. Since joining the National Arts Centre, Cathy Levy has championed countless Canadian and international artists, bringing their works to the forefront. Under her leadership NAC Dance annually hosts 18-20 companies, develops a growing number of Canadian and international co-productions, and presents an impressive program of outreach and enhancement activities. Cathy Levy is looked upon as a key figure in the Canadian and international dance milieu and is sought after by emerging artists, producers and arts administrators for advice and short- and long-term mentorships. She is often invited to festivals and dance events and she contributes articles to newspapers, dance journals and newsletters. She lives in Montreal with her husband. They have two sons, Jonah and Luka.